My first WriteFreely blog!

This is the first post on my first blog on my new WriteFreely instance, which I hope is just the beginning of exploring the fediverse and everything available on it.

I am hosting this blog on a Linode instance that costs $5/mo (check the pricing page for “Nanode 1GB”). If you want to get your own you can use this referral link to get some free credit (and I'll get some too).

I'd say for a software engineer it was pretty simple to get up and running, I used the getting started guide from WriteFreely, along with a few of the guides that Linode publishes to troubleshoot a few issues I had along the way. The getting started guide assumes you can do a few things that I had forgotten how to do.

What I plan to do here

This blog, which I'm calling everything for now, is just going to be my personal blog about whatever, with no specific theme.

A second blog, called urbanism will be, at first, a series of posts about how urbanism is done better in other countries. For example, how density is achieved in Tokyo, or how Paris has been completing an incredible transformation to a cycling-first city, or how a system of formal and informal transit options provides mobility in Manila. I posted about this previously on Mastodon on my account

If I find there are other themes I want to group together, I will make a new blog. I'm not sure how all this works yet but it's fun to figure it out!